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“The Royal Oui have outdone themselves with their latest self-titled album. The record plays like the soundtrack of a love story.” -Aquarian Weekly
“Warm, and full of soft but vibrant sonic colors. It feels like a living, breathing creature that has no choice but to bare its soul, believe in magic, and see beauty in the world.” -Beatroute

The Royal Oui (Adrienne Pierce and Ari Rosenschein) Photo: The Royal Oui
“The Royal Oui is able to make listeners feel true love,” wrote No Depression. Just in time for Valentine's Day, the duo–comprised of married couple Adrienne Pierce and Ari Rosenschein–releases Lovelore, a collection of covers of songs by Bruce Springsteen, R.E.M., and Bruce Cockburn, alongside unreleased versions of Juice Newton’s pop country classic “Queen of Hearts” and Tom Petty's yearning “Wildflowers.”
“We always like to choose love songs with a little bite, a little sting,” the group declares. “These songs are all about affairs of the heart, but none are simple or straightforward.”
Indeed, The Royal Oui version of Cockburn’s “Lovers in a Dangerous Time” adds a fresh electro sheen to the originals’s foreboding mood, earning CBC airplay in the process. In Pierce and Rosenschein’s hands, “Brilliant Disguise” becomes a balmy ballad, replete with percussion and a muted trumpet.
New additions add their own touches to the originals. “Wildflowers” fits perfectly into the chamber pop style The Royal Oui employed on its 2021 release, Animals, while “Queen of Hearts” shows off the playful pop side of its This is Someday album.
Lovelore arrives at a meaningful moment for The Royal Oui as February 11th marks the ten-year anniversary of its acclaimed debut, an album filled with material about love and connection. “A good song transcends style, and a good love song stands outside of time,” the pair affirms.
The Royal Oui is:
Contact: adriennepierceart [at] gmail [dot] com
Contact: arirosenschein [at] gmail [dot] com
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